KATRA, SEPTEMBER 22: The Navratra Festival Katra witnessed several cultural programmes on different themes based on local life styles and traditions of the state and other states of the country.
The events are being sponsored by Songs and Drama Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India for Navratra Festival 2017.
The first performance, Dalkhai-Sambalpuri, was presented by the artists of Dayal Wefare Organisation Odisha which is being practiced in western parts of Odisha especially during Navratras. The sisters keep fast and altogether with their brothers dance before holy Goddesses.
The second performance named as Himachali Bhala Nati was given by Kamleshwar Kala Manch Shimla during which both males and females take part in dance circling around a fire dhoon in snow bound areas.
The Geetru presented by Ramalo Ram remained focused on themes Swachata Hi Seva and National Integration. It is  usually liked in the parts of Jammu, Himachal, Punjab etc. Besides, Nagni Cultural Troop performed Kud Dance which was intensively liked by the audience and Sweet Screen Production presented traditional Kashmiri Rouf dance titled on the theme Bumbroo Bumbroo Shaam Rang Bumbroo.

Meanwhile, the artists from Maharashtra presented a folk dance-Lavani which was presented on the beatings of drums in quick tempo. Likewise, Rajasthani artists presented Kalbelia dance to mesmerize the audience.
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